Our Providers and medical staff strive to offer the highest standard of healthcare in a comfortable, safe, convenient, and friendly environment.
Family Medicine
in Aberdeen
Family Medicine
in Hoquiam
Family Medicine & Walk-In Clinic
in Montesano
Family Medicine
in Westport
Internal Medicine
Prompt Care
Walk-In Clinic Aberdeen
Medical / Surgical Specialists
General Surgery
Appointment Call Center:
Available 8:30 am - 5 pm
Monday - Friday
You can call our contact center to schedule your next Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, OB/GYN or Pediatrics Appointment. You will speak with a live scheduling assistant who can help you get an appointment Fast, Easy, and Secure.
Harbor Regional Health (HRH) Medical Group is a multi-specialty group that offers services such as Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Prompt Care, Orthopedics, Urology, General Surgery, Gastroenterology, and OB/GYN. With clinics throughout Grays Harbor County, HRH Medical Group is continuously growing its services to better serve our community.
HRH Medical Group is a subsidiary of Harbor Regional Health, a not-for-profit Public Hospital District that serves over 72,000 residents. HRH Medical Group is committed to patient satisfaction and creating access to quality healthcare seeing 45,000 patient visits a year. Our Physicians and medical staff strive to provide the highest standard of healthcare in a comfortable, safe, convenient, and friendly environment.